Mittwoch, 28. August 2019


Mosque visiting hte arnold Shwwarzegger.
The boy was so strong to be a Monkey Man. the man to be in the circus? No. He was heavey. So, he was good as a wrestler. But he was naive and not suited for picking a fight. An armwerstler? No. He could not fnd a job. Then, a farmer figure, then. He had hte beauty in his heart and he was quite board of the farm jobs. So, one day, Arnold visited a mosque. That time, he wore nothing and prayed atonce. Whata a wld man. Some mosque masters scolded him for his barebreast showing prayers.
Then, Arnold went back t oteh busiess. It was the white color business man's job and it worked. A manly? HOw come? Look at my breast! The company boss saw his figure manly in a white shirt and he was liked there.
And he was happy going to the beaches and had dsdome swim clothes on for the funny honeymoon like girls always hanging around time. "Whata a mighty" As the baby princess figures as heir images.
AArnolld revisited the mosque another time. This time, he di dlike a polite gentleman. What a gsture! The same masters prised! Scared was Arnold'sjoke! I could ride on the women! He was shouing an dhanging his arms up. Whta scary! The arnold was caught by the despute figuer by the monitorers and he was soon caught by the mosque mondeleres (montageu and delete) and his arms were caught and stripped. It meant his arms from the shoulders were killed.And his head later beheaded.

The teaching is the boys like Arnold should be sleeping quiet after visiting a mosque. 

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