Mittwoch, 28. August 2019

A Story from the Raindears.

A Story from the Raindears.
There is a couple lived once. And now is the lost family home for the Santa Craus. It was hte story of the old town in Finnland. And it was the raindeer's story. Wht should we do if hte real Santa Clous is a shoe fixer? Only his name is Peggit and not Giosseppe. And his name was from the womanactedlike a Santa Craous long time ago, 200 years ago like the Finlands' Viking time. She was a holy figure. up in the ocean... Flying Finnlandian! (A fflying dutchman parody) and the woman was in the old ship figurewith so many raideers walking around. Inside of the ship was the tandem making old Baccaniears. They are from the North Pole! THey had the route down Finnland to go back to the major ship line. A ship Air? It was an airmail joke. But it ened up like "Jane, Air!" Type woman's story. The girl slept and had the drunk inside and left to be in the beach and ended up in orchard and wrote books as a major writer and had some love jokes here and there just like a normal nordish woman? Huh? the old mother saw it done. And the man of the deer taking busisness took care her spot. A couch potato typewas fine. Thus, he had the cahi on the ground and put the sled into it. Thus, raindeers were chosen once again? But this time was to push the old man! Up i nthesky? How come? We had this water pushing device! When the water drops, it makes ice to fleese and the man on top woulld stand on it. So, the major device was attached td under the sled for rolling around the chir onthe air and the nice horshe shoes got som e diveces on it to make them run around for wild. The raindeers make ht decision on the directions while the St. Crause would be i nasleep.
This is the end. A safe trip!

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