This is a snowy nation’s story. A man from Momoyama time tripped up to be living in the forestry area of Japan. It was Northern Kyusu lost against the war to Norniwa and the norhern Hokkaido was taken to Matuyama. It meant the Ehime-city officers took the spot. There were people loving the hand cranked orgols for the noise sending. At night, a crow could cry. The old people did not know the difference of the crows’ noise and the music box sounds. So, they heard that no hearing of the music box meat the end of the world. The Fukushima area nuclear Nazis lost against teh war to the US and spilled was the acids. The males slept in the futons at night and found their body covered wit some bumps. They felt itchy first. And they started to lose their facial hairs. The old era people got upset from losing their faces. The beard must be properly attached or they felt getting too old so much and so soon. But they could hear the crows. They started to feel no appetite and often vomited. But it could be the badly prepared foods. This is the story of one by one dying people and unknown future with the crows only replying in the air ‘give me the returning place....’
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