Devil’s race story. It was used to be the highway robbers spot and only the fast carriages made it to the inland from the coastal area carrying many fishery items and medical goods from Spanish colonies. The devils. There were two fighters. They hid in the forest. They only had the small hut made of hays for the couple living. The girl was a prostitute and she took so many salty waters to made herself infiltrate. Teh man was angry and started killing the travelers one by one. The first was the young lady harrying to meet her lover in the civil hall across the mountains. It was only 26km. Thus, half a day was enough for the no ride. But she was tired and the man easily cut off her neck and her fingers to left as the loft item. Someone’s pig was lost by the forestry animals. Some creatures were eating her while her items were given to the young lady. Thus, more men made wealth through the treasure hunting in the forest! Since they did not own a carriage, no carriage workers knew anything about the highwayman. It was strange. Only the dead. Perhaps an animal killed it. But why no clothes on? It was first thought as the women’s family brought them for the child reduction. In such case, they should smash the girl’s sex organs and face for the identity protection! But none. They were left as their face attached sometimes. After 10 killing of women, the boy Arthor was tired of removing the head to the small stream area for washing and dumping. He feared the image of dead faces floating inside of the water and even getting caught visiting there! One day, the young lady was found guilty of holding the handkerchief of a missing woman. It was a white color handkerchief but it had the actual initial attached on it. Thus, the sheriff came from Santa Clara country to check the whereabouts of an aunt. The man saw the wife registered as a criminal by the sheriff and he hit the sheriff’s head with a wooden prank. Later, he wore the new sheriff’s uniform and patrolled around Santa Cruz area to be a famous sheriff country man. He was removed and detouched. The locals rumored after none could find the job done - the careless hands left on the hills and cliffs as the double kills.
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