Total. (by Marakins)
Total was the riser. It held the hell up. What is fearble is added. A hell mask, the black mask of the totally disguised blocks on was talking in all black luber clothes. The man asked was Audy from Australia. He was challanged. First was the fire figher's sentnece to be in the burned location and he survived in the miner's uniform to be going digging under. The hell fire no longer around. And the second was the womn's sentence. A raped minor grew up and seducing. The boy hated her but seduced back. She cried and won was on him! He was wealty with the underground gold nugets! Thus, the girl was with him. Third was the watery zone. He lost everything, the woman, and the golds. Then, there was the man to be appeared and it was hte hell uniform. The Star Reter. He won!The man killed by the scape of the wasit line by the black sword. Now, change. The manwas in the hell's unifomr. Now.... The woman was in misery after the death of her husband or the boy next to her at the forestiy area. The man left. The girl laid on the ground on the pale wooden floor of a wooden shuck. A man entered and some waiting outside. A captured? That was the granddaughter of the waiting man! Thus, raped. ti was done by the own father! The woman's cause started. What if you are a wman! That woman... what should you do? A man appeared nicely. NO! In the hell cave! The woman would be nicely introduced to an animal. A hell pit figure. A man in the lizard uniform. THen, the man had the abusive husband figure before. So, she sedued him in fear. But he was just "Let's go!" the image was the good figure for the crime catching. Presenting to be a nice husband? She was from Montana nad knew how to be nice. Obeying husband. No! She was asked to carry on! while she was drown in the flooding water inside of the cave! Ahh! I'm cheated! The gurl was drawn and lost and found a new man at the end of the water zone at the river bed with pebbles. She was laying. Then..?
The man found he was wearing the air pilrot's helmet with a big google on it. He then saw a chick on the ground.
You... a chick was responding. You.. Feeling like he is the chick himsself. The chick walking on the tiled floor. The chick slipped and lay on the tile and got melted into the floor!!! That's the end.
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