How to Gold Banking
This book was created only to provide the money reasonable level to be going back to the middle class and it is not suited to make the upper class to be ultra upper class once again. This way is simple. A nucler fusion or the earthquake like effect creating on top of your social piller in the sociey. And it meant the social death of the certain company's certain divisions. An example is the large department with the large ammount of the toilet paper packs missing. What if the entire department is responsible for the losses? And it worked like hiding under the logistics effect. Some people would moving in and smuggled out from the large company's information security sectors. Thus, it meant to make the small money by their own small cooperative company betrayers. They could be self supporting people no more. They are the advice and device sharers. For instace, a large cafe chain needs the certain ammount of cafeine. It meant only cafein. And how much cafein needed? As the joke, it meant the cafe into the store. "Uh, I might need a 5kg of cafein needed as a pack daily." Thus, the decoding ended. A pack of 5kg level coffee beans to be smuggled in as the reuglar example to the non-labeled store. They could sell the coffee from somewhere else mixed with the famous Starbucks or Costa's brand smuggled out by the real clerks by mishandling a pack to be dumped into the trash can yet it was retrived by the same or another person outside of the store. It could be hired by another clerk to carry the coffee been back contained bag to the new cafe. It meant the new cafe to be only successful with less sugars. No, no. We had and hid enough. There are so many merchants full of sugars. For insance, how many Hong Kong restaurants wear the white clothes and socks? In the same way, the store merchants can carry a load of cocain or the whtie socks hiding calcium tablets out as the example. The small sugar amounts? Just grab the bunch of the store stocked sugar packets into your bare hands to sell them for few dimes at a new cafe! It worked as the homeless' courage. A man could resell the same small item he stored and returned to the same store back after a day or so. It worked only once when the honest merchant valued the returning customer as somewhat valuable for returning. And another started stealing the straws. Thus, the returners are punished. But what about the spoons? Coffee spoons are often found in the buffets and the open minded long line making hot pot type soup saver locations. A bench could be a good location of brining some of the number-full of the utensils as if to gether up certan number for the group buffet ouside. A man could just carry out the large number of the utensils only for the table reserving. A plate with some numbers of the utensils is an enough sign to occupy the location during the lunch break. A college canteen can hold such monumental location. Trinity College cafe is a good example of such a spot that kids can freely bring their utensils out and the clerks are only worrying about the foods and items on the shelves and value added. The coffee cups and the mugs are worst in the McCafes. They have their normal RFID tagging business by the DOD. It's everywhere and why not? And the food poisoning and the misterious deaths are garanteed. A McCafe coffee mug? How neat! And there would be the food tracking traffickers on the road. So, why not buying the actual canned and labeled Starbucks logo mugs and thermos? It is the crew that is capable to know which one is capable and which one is not. Thus, sortng out is enough money making to make next five or so free cups of meat chops to the loaves of bread also in the second volume. But this book only corrected the money for renting a small shop 'nowhere' with the logo value of 173€ only and the monthy rent of 370€ as the small mom and pop shop without no actual parking nor the outside terase nor fansy uniformed clerk images. What they can sell is already decided; a smuggled Starbuck's coffee roasted and tested in the relatvely cheap barista machine found in the storage as unused item in the clinary store or the storage of the hotel chains. There are some chairs cheap enough from the old and forgotten orthodox churches but not the Catholic ones. The stores won't get the pews with the 'in the memory of...' logos. It was the killer. Social killer! Someone from the same diocrocis would shought it loude to bring the dead ones awake or carried out the dead one for the bad performing of the 'let us pray..' jobs. And it was more likely someone's kittins would be eaten as the nice minced meat with the loughly hatced Mike's hen's little boy was stolen from the chicken coop as the pancake making in your store. If you have a great aunt living in the farm land, ask her to bring her own kitchen. Thus, you save your money for the coffee sides. Done. My store shutted down after paying enough rent of 570€ a month and the penalty fee from the Starbucks for over 600€ a day after charging me of the wrong smuggled driver to be brought in with the girly police officer wondering around for the bribery maing like "I want this one and this one too.. but... let me think.." It was my mistake of giving the wrong Mike's name onto the bin. Starbuck's baby! on the tip can which was actually the same one as my cousin lives in for the work. A different customer and the different workplace was ok. But it was caught on the camera several years ago as I was the smuggler and the fired one.
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