Deletead Day - "That Crocodile Book!"
It was late in Yokohama. the port received a mysterious shipping from Missisisppi. It was.. a crocodile? A crocodile survived such an ocean. An ocean panic? It was created by the Tuge Touda. It was the Touda finance's fault.The man called 'Candy Man' kidnapped the crocodile in the rear view window area behind of the backseat in a black sedan car. Well polished. A taxi looking. And what else' The man of the bold head and a white Caucasian image posture dissapeared into the middle of the night after passing the parking lot gate and paid... wait.. it was an ID plastic card for the vehicle employees at the Yokohama airport and seaport. The same vehicles, so they share. And later was a myterious dead body found under a large cargo truck. The one from Yamaguchi and the dead man's face was as same as the crocodile robber! The one passed the parking lot gate with the conversation with the port employee at the gate.Nothing special. "Suimasen - I'm sorry" and "Onegai shimasu." The surveillane camera's mouth movement read like so. So, he can speak a bit of Japanese? But he looks totaly White to the detectives. And what about the dead body under? An identical twin?
The mistery was solved as the Kamakura political government's reneissance time waiting Toudai Temle group for the ownership of the chartered yachts to be killed with one single crocodile. A pet crocodile? How cute! A crocodile can go wtih Croc, the beach sandal! The animal would be not biting to swallow once the stomach is totally filled.Thus, so many chickens thrown to the crocodile's mouth, dead or still injured state chickens. At least 32 chickens are enough. One suffering of a woman? It can take 2 weeks for the nourishing while the diver would be scared to death into the ocean after the shipping to one partner. We guess 1 week long panic to get feeding time in the ocean traveling yacht would be safe. The ocean side meant to be the evacuation time for the hazadous materials animals and so on. Thus, we pick up to a proper gage in the Gate, the new port for the young and agressive forein car imports where more strange noises and smells come from as common.
The suspence ends with a young writer doing the party in the yachit with 3 more people in. 4000€ for the 1 Month pay for the pet crocodile rent. You can feed the fishes you catch. Thus, it must be safe and heathy. The problem was the drunk driver of the yachit sprayed some champine cocktail into the crocodile's eyes. It caused the panic on the crocodile, Dandy is his name. The crocodile was in panic and bite the smallest child, 3 years old Caucasian boy, Arand. His spritted ancle was so painful and a man shouted, a rifle! But none in the business like a 3 weeks long sketchmaking party with pornographer and couple pretending man who married with an American born Chinese woman in Tokyo. The story teller would be telling in the old typwriter for fun and it wasto be published and the Earth Link image to be shared as the old model on his own. thus, the new letters to be sent back to his own i nthe youth age for the never ending story writer to be! A better wealth making and fun making around with friends. But the problem happened was the mother. Where are you? George? The boy's name is Arand. And father is George. The boy crying. On the phone to call a doctor for help. A snake bite? No. Croc. What? No. Just be quiet, Dandy! It meant a panic on the land line. A cheating? A woman brought in with father's kid. Thus, safe. Only another party with the woman. That meant safe. But it was the cheating husband's story and the boy to be toyed with the new crocodile next to him for the picturing!
The boy was half eaten ater the girl cried and left the woman in panic to do wild things like holding up the large saw on top and shouting to the men, 'Don't come near to me!" The disembled ancle was eventually swallowed by Dandy and Dandy saerched the boy and ate the bottom part. "Dad.. not hurt. Umm. Um... I'm.. hungry.. but.." The boy was almost top down notch shouting. "I'm hurrrrrrrrt!!!!" Shouting for any way of picking up.Thus, left aside on the hallway. The croc to be in the bathroom but later someone wanted to have the shitting and needed croc to be out. The mna scared but left it on the hallway to make the boy eaten. But Later was the boy to be pulled out from the biting animl by spinning the spine and the man stabbed boy's head to neck area for the possible 'retreat' making for the future use of his small body for the clone attachment. Thus, the boy was saved. half awake but a massive pain on his bottom. The intestine treated as spritted in half. But the lung was saved. the boy was in the half dying figure and was locked in the storage, the first gate to hell in the water, the freezer!
Meanwhile, the girl cried. But her mobile was out of range. Thus, she could not call anyone.And the photographer died in the massive dose of cocaine in another room. George where are you? Why my wife is kidnapped? Someone contacted the man's old family member in Romania and the Romanian government is eager to track down her ancestry in Paris. It was all fake story from Setagaya police station. Thus, if the boy dis, the culprt is the man whose wife is doing something funny. Cocaine oberdose? How come? It works to fill my gift. Thus, man slept and died without dringing enough water. The water tank was away. Then, the man could be be dying. The woman peed in the bed after trynig it in a dustbin and poored some conjac to hide the smell. But next time. Peed in the bed. Guys screaming from another room. How come? She was a married woman in teenager time in southern France and later was the 'caught' program victim.
The boy killed is enough. The man fearef of killing the foreign daughter's ped crocodile but he tried to catch it and wonded one eye and one front leg. Then, he thrilled to pull it out from the sihp while the dead man was half eaten in his room for the meat cultivation. What if I eat you! The man thought his boy would love eating the dead animal who ate his foot! But later, the man injured his hand while treating the wild animal and sprinted his shoulder to release the crocodile on the deck for the wild catch killing location. And the animl naturally attracted toward the water and the waves. Thus, it returned to the ocean when the Sun was down on the horizon and the crocodile walked toward the Sun.
Thus, the man died from the splitted money and half sleeping woman inside of his yacht when he called police for the rescue. It was an Australian ship and hard on the Japanese flag vehicles south of Vietnam. "We had the Vietnam War... which side was that?" Thus the Australian police caught the man in prison and the half eating experience on his boy was also reported. A crazy reporter was treated by the psychologist. And the drug trafficking business was caught later.
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