Boys BE
Bee is a byebye singal. Byby. No lalurby. No Wallaby. Thus. BB. It meant the madness. Only one word missing cool? A small boy of 8 found it fun. The graffiti is cool. BeeB. that was amysterious word. BeeB? Bee Right Back? BRB better. LOL. Then, Beep. Beeb. PoooB. It was not really the care. the dude said 'care' as a cool word. And more of the graffiti making around. 6 pages of graffiti monitors photos. And one day, he was caught. He was 6 months caught and 1 month in povation. His right hand was smashed and it was called as 'got liquid on' in the prison word. The boy left the prison. He started as an assisstant cook in New York. A new delly' it was a New York store market in New Delly. A different home, huh? A boy was caught working in the missed ship and was sent to India where he had no returning money and caught as Indian man. He was a dark skin color aboligine. An aboligine's life is wild. It meant the wild animal meat consuming. Thus, avoiding in India. this is not an Ausie beef. Beef is forbiden deer. Even in McDnoalds? No. We charge you for insulting Islam. The iman there hallucinatly vegetarian.How come Imam. Islam? Same word? Same age? No. No more confusion from an Islmaic restauarnt forbbiding meat but selling meant cnotaminated Indian foods for foreigners. "Foreigeners only." The boy was so small, still 17 and shorter. Thus, he was not caught again but to be the run away and ran over figure fromthe busy Indian street with Tuk Tuk. THe boy could be run over one day when he tried to steal a vehile and pulled by the police when his hands held the stearing and his lower body under the car for hte punishment to have the disabled figure. No more car stealing without both legs. The punishment was so harsh and he dropped to the river for his death. He thought it was Mekong River. He was such a small boy. Boys Be on the Wild. End.
Next chance. Your boy?
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