Stephen King's Cown. Come down and the word gone so stretched into the earth hole like a big hole. I was first the bird nests fully parched on the large tree in the forest side. A man observed how many birds are on the tree from his car. Later, he found no birds on the tree at all. There was a black mass looking like a hole to be visible on the hill aiming toward him through the bird parched tree. The bird missing. A dog went missing from near him with a quick swipe of the twister like wind. He ran away from the location with his dog disappear in the sandy wind. He moved away by his convertible red car and went to an old gas stop and saw open sign on it with no car parked. When he entered, there was a dead dog's body on the floor. 'Your time has come' the voice is heard in the noisy air. 'It's not my dog.' He complained. The black and white dot dalmatian was his and the brown and some black dot dog was identical shape and face but the color was different.Then he found his car not Cadillac but Chevy of a blue color. 'It's not my car!' He screamed and crossed the road to find another gas stop o another side. There, he saw a pink Cadillac on the side as he parked from his memory. then, he figured out there was nothing on the other side from the gas station view. Was I..? He wondered his sense of remembering and the motivation of crossing the road. He went home and saw the boy in the PJ with not the Moon but a star on the breast area. 'My memory..' He moans. Later was the black birds attack on the ground as if the sky returned the missing birds. 3 days later, he had the flat tire. He found the tool missing from his hand and a bloody knife returned to his hand. His girl friend was murdered in the house. And so on. Calm down--- Carrie? And it was the end. The earth swallowed the pair.
The woman died was half existing in his memory. he calmed down and thought of rethinking what was wrong or what went wrong.Then, he retrieved her. This part sounded like his shadow or imagination by him acting like the woman wearing her maid clothes on him. A woman in the deadly gray skin stood with a knife on her chest silently but acompanying him somehow in the daily business. He is a professor and a writer to a news paper submitting the students' math problems. He wrote to a psychiatrist honesty and received a letter stating to go to a state prison. he went rampage and moved toward a news stand about the strange water flying. It was his dream of floating black plastic bag from the garbage can to be a UFO of some sort for helping the hand of the railed up escape from the reality he imagined like the wind cause. The wind that killed the boy! He could not look at his son. His son returned from the backyard forest and it was hid dentist work he crashed. He hated but tried to do with his own for fixing by pulling it off in his room. On the leaning chair, he failed to pull his tooth but fell when the 'daughter' - his father's lover - entered the room to see what he was doing. He lost his little thumb instead and he wanted to hide the secret from his strict father by telling her it was a forestry accident and to bring his father to the accident site by the 'mummy' - the cuter name for Camy. Carrie was her nickname as she never screamed. She loved showing her scared face a lot for the white people's images. She was stabbed by the boy instead in the revenge of hurting both fingers in the show spot. So, he ran away after the stabbing. He died by drinking from the water paddle. His father had the delirium and never returned to his home after confessing to one of the psychiatrists he knew.
He took the Cadillac to the shopping mall and swapped his car to a toy truck. He picked up a forgotten toy truck in the parking lot and ended up pushing the real size yellow dump truck! From there, his dream went as a blanket covered seating in the back of a yellow school bus. But the public bus and the small kids only school bus confusion ended him in the parking lot ground lying position. Then, he stood up hoping to be once again in the bus.. or a train to be a rider! He was on the hangrider! Dropped! Once again in the classroom, he was a math teacher. The class dismissed. A female student asked him about the math exam schedule while he noticed the girl on the corner of the classroom still there shaking. He knew that she was pregnant and could not pay $3000 for the abortion trip to another state with a college student. So, he ignored the girl next to him and headed to save the pregnant one. He asked her that if she does not have money, come to his office. It worked as the assault on the teacher. She stated that she was pregnant - as a high school girl. And she demanded some money in the seducing position. There was a confusing happened - was he? His office had the spectators from the slightly opened door and they started yelling toward the seducing girl and the teacher across the large desk. And he opened eyes and saw himself in the same parking lot covered with many people. He fell and did not wake up. So, so many people were watching him laying on the ground.
Next day, he was in the mental hospital. He needed an escape. He stood at the entrance of the building and saw the gate tightly locked. He wondered if his home was ... a farm! He imagined and returned to his home from the hospital. According to the 'daughter,' he had a broken leg and bandaged on the hospital bed. His ownership compliant in the hospital made him to be purchasing the actual bed with him to be hospitalized in his home and other nurses thought him insane. The nursing was needed and one of the students was chosen for the care. She worked for the sexual attention part of his need also. And one day, his son from the divorced marriage peeked his affair with a new mother. His first wife was a monster according to him and the teaching to his son. He fired so often. Once her court case lost against a broken leg farmer, she left the old Kentucky home. Thus, he remained in the house instead of teaching in a.. college... hospital? The bandaged time meeting with the ex-wife ended up his penis bitten off by abused ex-wife who saw a young little girl. So, he had a nightmare from the hospital bed experience at his home.
He chose to be on the show and decided to take the out to be away from the hospital bed memory flashback - his car was a blue color! He went to a retro store and took a shot gun by reaching inside of the counter. He acted like a tough guy and shot some electronics and left the empty shot gun to the scared owner at the counter. 'Take care' He said and left the store. The police cars soon gathered up and saw a man walking freely from the store saying "I was a lucky one. Free." And the police saw the scary owner with a gun in his hand wondering out from the store for help.The owner got shot while the man found the crime get-away! This time, he saw his car was... he wished it as one of the police car parked. The dead owner was laying on the passenger seat next to him who was driving the car. His head had the police cap. Wait what happened? He wanted to answer the receiver. And he found the extra ammunition cell in his hand and he threw it to the open barrel next to the repairman at the gas mater. A certain friction ignited the barrel full of gasoline. It brew up the gas fuel pumping area. He ducked with the half dead shotgun mania next to him in the car for hiding his identity. While one is a criminal, other can find a duck. So, he parked the police car and entered to a supermarket saying 'free!' with his police cap and police shirt on. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses. He licked an ice cream and shouted to one of the clerk - 'As a police man, I would eat, huh?' The busy cashier clerk replayed, 'yes officer, you may eat or even feed to a small boy as long as you pay at the cashier.' So, police paradise begun. He had a shotgun on his back and he shoot the ceiling in ecstasy!
'What is paid is paid. I'm eating' the fake cop walked around in the busy supermarket holding a gun. Soon, another police team dispatched and moved toward the window area of the store. 'Shit, another cops!' He aimed his shotgun to the cops but a sudden blow to his head was done by one of the man in the store. From there, a honey happened. His pants was down and his clothes picked. His police shirts was taken and all examined. He was on the stretcher with his half dick freed under the shirt. A man lost penis? Someone joked. Perhaps. He must be insane. A man lost penis was a school guys' uniform before. All ruined.His image of...
Talking with a psychiatrist reflected the double meaning - the past one after the bite and the current position of being detained by the cops. Then, he quickly swiped his image to be someone playing with the toy crossbow sold in the store and accidentally found the hold-up man with a fake beard which was also sold inside of the store! And he quickly swiped his position to one of the hotel CEO's. He was wearing a nice business suite than the local college teacher type conservative sweater on the trousers. He stated while looking outside from the skyscraper top floor, 'I have a dream..'
He found himself in the locked up situation again. 'What I was.. wanted to say was.." and he found his location in a mental hospital with two stories high. 'A nurse along or awhile?' He wondered if the nurse was next to the psychiatrist at the large desk behind of the large window panels. He could not remember. Then he remembered his desk facing right from the window and his chair to be at the left of the wall from the window. Or... He felt the table location flipping 90 degrees around like a computer's floor plan exercise. But he found none to have the exit and he rushed toward the glass window and hit on the wooden secured door instead. 'Wow. Did you find any exit?' The surprised doctor stood up from his chair and the nurse near the doctor turned around.
"It was because of.. my penis-lessness caused me do that!" He wanted to complain to the most miserable sphere. A flashback returned with a war sphere. A lot of indigenous Hispanic men of shorter figures circled him bullying on the ground next to his face in the rainy water. His head injured and blood from the side of his forehead running down. He pulled down both trousers and the boxer pants.Then he remembered. Any gripping? Then he thought of having the penis down like just after the urination in the bathroom. 'My part.. exposed..' Gripping? He felt himself gripping in fear as if his was longer. 'One touching?' There was the true nightmare returned. His zipper was done. The contents was black. The half crying woman was on the seat across his table in his high school office! A scandal! 'I did!' 'I committed not!' It was a community service matter. The man had the sperm on the table and she swallowed it. It was a wrong confession but the class dismissed. She failed. the principal was first to be on the old teacher's side. He had a double son! Wonderful! One son was a solder after the community service. The first sone died in the water accident in Korea. Hmmm.. He sexually assaulted one of the school ballet teacher.. in his high school while another in the kindergarten.. So, he is still active on the sex ground! After the investigation by the officer, 'Guilty!' was his office incident. He was self-poking from another side in his stomach.. ummm into the zipper.. Someone came in as a warning noise and made a joke as a healthy colleague. It was his rival woman always hating his teaching way. He taught the students like treating the kindergarten kids while he picked the tall stoic male students only.
'I committed!' He felt the dilemma of showing his hands. And he forgot to pull up his zipper. While poking out was the white wimpy head, he exposed. 'Oh, no!' The colleague saw his pointy up thing and left his office. The girls peeked form the door screamed in cheery voices. Boys could do it! 'Even a professor would make a mistake!' Those cheering voices made himself a scandal immediately as a school news. The female colleague quickly arranged the school plan for her own sake in case of him quitting the job. So, he left the school with his zipper open and it was a black hole matter there. He took the old Mary's car instead of his own to be suspicious enough and even sleeping in the old Chevrolet with a white wool covering on the backseat. He left only his saliva on the wool that day. And he made mistakes saying 'I'm sorry. I took Mary's.. Ah, I mean I took a wrong Mary's car..' after registering himself as a man to be suspicious for the threat to the young citizens.
Then, he lost it. He was fantasizing himself in the lost boy's clothes, a US Army uniform at the base and seeing his penis half cut. His spot was still the size of half even on the stretcher. He was erected but 'half cut!' He was crying as if it was the matter of patient being and to be treated by the hospital nurses. 'You! Quit!' A nurse agitated of his flirtation with the loser smile stating his was cut. And she quickly gave his face a metal tray hit to make him shut up.
Next morning, he was on the deserted area which was actually the back of his forest. He was alone and wearing a curly hippie wig. He acted from the 70s. But the bandana was gone. A man aimed with a toy arrow. The 6 men looked like the Native Americans. In his glance, they were wearing half naked and next glance returned the view to the shirts wearing men! 'How strange.' He commented. 'Look! Who died!' These men complained in the plain ground. One man had a large picture of the male facial photo in an American Indian painting. It was the man at the radio shuck. 'I need to know!' One guy hit his head. 'Oh, wait.' He complained. 'I'm aiming at you!' A young boy slightly older than his son, Ken(Kevin), was pointing the toy bow at him. A young native American man put a Chinese style sealing of yellow paper with red bloody writing on it. 'Everything is from China! Now, I curse you!' At that time, the scene changed to a taxi ride full of Chinese middle age business men complaining toward him in the middle of their car. They were chanting strange Chinese toward him. 'In China, not everyone is free.' The taxi driver turned back and stated. His car got a head on crash by a middle size truck from the right side. At that time, his life was over. The driver missed the signal and passed it. He was sitting on the floor in the living room in north of Canada. He clicked the remote controller in his hand and stopped the screen on the TV. It was one of the old video tape filming and it was about a Hong Kong movie. 'Hmmm. I can't understand.' He was looking at the man in the truck on the opposite side lane shouting. He could not hear something. But it was something the man was shouting as the hinting for the Hong Kong movie. 'I guess, it was help me.' The wise boy next to him answered. He was already 6 instead of the son at the forest that was 4. The boy had the teeth brasers from such a young age to look wise. If he was such elite, he would have no mistake on his fingers. The satisfied mom's figure pretending man watched his fingers but the thumb looked missing. Wait, did he hide his fingers? All missing? Then,he found much more scary. His both earlobes were missing. There were only holes! 'Introduction to 2 years later..' A wild voice was heard.
Ah.. I. And this time, he found his Asian figure on the backseat of a train. A backseat? It was.. He found it a long train like cargo. He was still on the back but it was somewhere to the wheat cultivating region. 'Ah, I'm saved.' A man's voice was heard and the real man from the movie was laying on the sofa. Ummm. The man was a small boy and even his dick was long enough to swallow some women's mouth. His boy exposed! In the school bus enjoying his father's guilty sentence! So many undertaker photographs were taken in secrecy around his family. The mother left and stated that she would remarry sometimes in near future and commented to see him sometimes only for the son's sake. She left on foot to catch a car in hitchhiking style and the boy left no money. The boy was counted as a molester by mimicking his father in the female school principal's office saying 'my stomach hurts' while pupils were looking from the window. He was still 8. No, 18! Ah, it was the age he quit! 'Sperm. Try it!' It was the confession day. He asked one of the high school's hottest female teacher out for dating and it succeeded. She was a math teacher. She helped me for the dating in her car in the split of money issue from his father. She received $250 for hanging out in the seaside and left with no kissing but tapping on her shoulder only. Because of this long distance phone calls, he made it to the math teaching ground with the help of the old teacher. She was now retired in her 40 of age. He was still 28 and young. His wild dream came true after her marriage to a young one about 21 when she was 38, she engaged in the old boy friend.
It happened when the car accident with a oil can outside of the car crashed the car tire and strangely exploded. Then, the woman needed more money and slept with the young wild one. At that time, the old ex-teacher woman suggested to sleep with her cousin who was still 17. Later, she swapped his name to be one of the hottest waitress in Holley Wood and returned to Colorado with no penny. So, she was a young stain in her family tree. But she had enough money for holding the mountain side hike. And the expected her home value was $20,000. So, he took the old woman's cousin for the retirement money holding for her. It kept as a secret, a family secret with the old professor. "Now,I call you as a real family member." The old woman kissed him deeply and confessed from her bed. So, they made the wed but he made picking on the girl who was the left side of the class that he often taught. The girls complained when his marriage news was heard. He explained that it was his ex-colleague's will of taking care her niece who was retired from the job to be heavenly. She had no vow making as a young Indian woman. So, she was..? An excuse was made. Half.. Hispanic.. but her father unknown. Perhaps from the base - the reserve base - his teaching school personell guessed.
The woman started cheating on the cases. She started wild after some coworkers from the past tried to go around the farming village and saw her naked dancing in the farm bathing which has the wild clear view from the window toward the bailey field. The group came and the nipple dancing joke made outside of the bathroom on the backyard. Then, the males tried to get hired and they tried to sleep with the woman who was pregnant.. wait was she..? I don't know. Perhaps.. Ah, my son's hair is blond like mine and those others including my wife's are darker. And I saw one guy assaulting her in the home and called 911. The ambulance came and the guy knocked down with the fire axe was the Hispanic guy, an old colleague of her farm. Since she was from a different farm in Colorado, so the guys did not discover her past, a stripper. A pink show movie after her fiance was beaten in the car and she was raped in the rage of the farm owner's son's sake. She rejected the flirtation of the owner's son and she was raped. It was her 16 and she had abortions twice. Thus, she had the education of being a grave ground stripper behind the shadows - she sung a song at the side of the crops with a camp fire on. She stripped naked and asked one of the guys to make the stripper to be in one of the shades for $100 a day. She only asked one time a month to pay off $75 monthly income from the farming business including the lunch meal. The workers rumored she was doing a weekly basis. But $75 is a little pay off for 2 months or 3 month loan. So, a wild guy always assaulted on a single woman to strip off only the breast area for the service of the goners. Thus, males stripped off in front of her and showed off his penis dance instead at her breast for aiming. It worked as the nipple business done. The club owner took her wallet and searched $250 from her. Her wallet was left empty on the ground despite of her single dancing with a wild man. So, he must have a sleeping time to get even for the paid ride back by his conservative colleague. At that night, she got raped and half pay of $50 returned from her own money. Everyone expected her to be one of the reserves but her parents missing and the hoster woman holding a young rad in her hand needed a peep hole incident no more. I can't bare a child! It was the foster care searching woman's need. Met. It was her, the young one, bringing his married partner home. 'Perhaps a gay?' A young one offered. 'May be? Hmm..' the woman confessed. It was the cover. Her true love was.. the one visiting her instead of the married young male. She caught her married partner at one of the construction area on the roadside when she needed to go to the bathroom. She found the roadwork bathroom comfortable and tried it after the permission from a working man nearby smoking. But the ending was the insult. She half opened the door when she asked about the 'wipe' and she was noisy. He was satisfied of a young female's peeing noise, and he ignored her of the hope of half naked going down to rush up for her car to get a ride. 'No wipe? Toilet paper?' the man not holding a woman for a long time wanted to sleep. So, he opened the half open door and assaulted her inside. He dropped his pants toward the toilet bowl sitting woman. Because of the poor management of the roadwork, the toilet box flipped from the force of the entered man!
Donnerstag, 9. April 2020
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